The Honey Reviewer
Passionate About Honey
Beekeeping definitely brought me here. Maybe it brought you to the world of Honey as well. I started diving into the thought of Beekeeping back in Pittsburgh in 2017. I joined some beekeeping groups like Burgh’s Bees and immediately was drawn to the scene. From farmers, urban dwellers, kids to retirees. There was something there for everyone. And something brought others into beekeeping.
Mainly for me, it was Crohn’s Disease.
I remember being asked in Burgh Bees “what is it about beekeeping that makes you want to pursue it?” Many others replied ” save the bees” as I shuddered, I responded back with ” to save my life, to counteract the effects of Crohn’s Disease”. The instructors eyes went wide, and said ” That sounds really interesting, I’d like to know more about that”.
As I explored different ways Honey benefited my health, I didn’t realize Beekeeping would also benefit me greatly with PTSD from the better half of 6 years being shuffled in-between Hospitals across the States.
Since I Started Beekeeping & The Honey Review
I made a ton of connections, did a lot of research, worked a community apiary, worked for other beekeepers, did multiple apprenticeships. I’ve done so much to stay knowledgeable and involved. It’s been a long time since Burgh Bees and the passion has only blossomed further.

I never had bees of my own. It used to bother me. Like I was a failure, or not good enough to have bees. But over the years as I’ve built relationships with tons of people involved in beekeeping, I’ve realized, it never had to be mine or on my property. I had a ton of support from family and friends, there was always fuel in my smoker.
In fact, I’ve worked more Bees, and gained more knowledge by utilizing other apiaries than I would have ever had on my own. It just worked out that way, especially as I’ve never stopped traveling. So how does a Beekeeper travel? I’m figuring it out, slowly.
Many will say ” If you just believe” or “Good things come to those who wait”.
But I believe when something resonates within your soul, when you find true ambition in life, the world has a way of helping you get there. Especially Beekeepers. I’m so grateful for every single one I’ve met, and can’t wait to meet more of them.
I Started The Honey Review
to talk about Honey Products that I love and while sharing some insight and tasting notes on new ones from the words of a Beekeeper.
Tons of Honey products are mislabeled and misrepresented and local companies often go unnoticed.
Maybe, just maybe, this website will help those who need clear information, and also provide a place for others who love Honey and Bees as much as I do. Thanks for being a part of the Buzz.
Raw Honey Reviews
Real Reviews, Raw Honey, and More.